Monday, September 20, 2010

Them Kisses, I Miss

"Them Kisses, I miss(4KLDeJ)"

I miss the kisses that left my lips so wet,
So wet like the tears that I shed in the past,
You whipped them those tears that I shed and you wiped away my fears,
With such ease you did it with such ease, I begged, I pleaded so many times in the past, and you wiped it away like sweat from a furrowed brow,
So many times in my life I’ve said OW
And Now,
I miss the lips that said those sweet words,
Verbs that curved me away from discretion,
I  was taught a lesson,
I was blessed and I felt like a man for once,
For once I felt normal, for once I felt loved, for once I felt the warmth from your hugs,
Its tugged and pulled at me like a nagging child,
It drove me wild, my unappreciation,
I never knew what it was,
But it was you,
Not nagging me, but telling me to not take you so lightly,
That you were not loose in the head,
but that you were Luz,
the light of my life,
your were to be appreciated cared, cultivated and cultured,
you deserved all that love, you were to be loved,
held atop of shoulders,
You made me so many things, bolder, mature
You helped me to feel older,
I miss your eyes that saw through me and saw my lies,
I miss the heart that felt for me and no other guys,
I feel the pain you took away,
I missed it, but I thank you for taking it away even if for a day,
I miss the confidence that you portrayed and radiated from you in every single way,
I miss the day to day, leading into days that turned into nights that we spent together,
From the first second I met you I was swayed,
By cowboy boots and a wife beater,
I got hooked on you like an addict to crack, what can I say?
“marry me”, “never leave”, be with me and I will do anything to please”, Be my wifey…. I wont take No for an answer,” I beg of you on my knees,
No none of those will do,
How about a cup of coffee from me to you,
A sweet word, a holding of the hands and a smile,
How about we watch o movie and talk about how were nerds and listen to the meaning of each other words,
What’s it all mean,
All I can say is thank you and I'm sorry,
I know I may not be so rich, I may be poor B,
See me for who I am, and all that I could be,
See me for who I will become an all I will Be,
Love me and see it because it’s a reciprocation back towards you,
Who I could be?
Who am I now? That’s the question I pose to who? I don’t know I don’t know how to show you that I can be all you wanted and more,
But for now I need to be alone,
I need to do this for me,
I need to be the definition of all I can be,

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